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by techhitesh
2024-10-11 18:21
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Luckfox Pico Ultra W 如何将emmc从KLM8G1GETF-B041 的8G升级为KLMCG4JETD-B041 64G
Replies: 5
Views: 2360

Re: Luckfox Pico Ultra W 如何将emmc从KLM8G1GETF-B041 的8G升级为KLMCG4JETD-B041 64G

I tried changing the partition size but still it doesn't work I have a board which works fine, got from luck-fox-pico-ultra-board, i tired changing the partition size to 3G(rootfs) but apart and uploaded in 8GB flash and then it worked on 8GB But same doesn't work with 32GB flash. S5P1 f967 rgef1 DD...
by techhitesh
2024-10-10 11:36
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Changed the EMMC from 8GB to 32GB, same samsung. Unable to boot now
Replies: 1
Views: 1132

Changed the EMMC from 8GB to 32GB, same samsung. Unable to boot now

Hello, I changed the RV1106 EMMC to 32GB from 8GB, flashed the update.bin it flashed with no problem even flash was also detected. Started reducing the clock speed of EMMC to be sure if hardware is correct - 200Mhz to 15 Mhz still unable to boot. Here is the output logs from serial debug Please sugg...
by techhitesh
2024-07-25 16:37
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Custem yolov5 model yolov5n - Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Replies: 2
Views: 2354

Re: Custem yolov5 model yolov5n - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Please let me know if anything can be done i have tried all the things. When i tried to convert my model but then it says dill not found then i needed to install this library and then it converted to onnx (yolov5) ml@ml-ts:~/yolov5$ pip show dill Name: dill Version: 0.3.8 Summary: serialize all of P...
by techhitesh
2024-07-24 9:15
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Custem yolov5 model yolov5n - Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Replies: 2
Views: 2354

Custem yolov5 model yolov5n - Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hello, Thank you for this forum. I am trying to make a object detector i tried to get the dataset from roboflow. Then i trained the mode >> converted using yolov5 to rknn to onnx >> then used to get yolov5n.rknn >> then compiled example and got the c code compiled then when i ran it it ga...
by techhitesh
2024-07-23 11:25
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump
Replies: 5
Views: 2070

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

After doing so my internet connection does not work unable to take SSH using usb0 and eth0 eth0 shows ip but unable to take ssh from it.

Had to disable using UART to over SSH putty then only the board network came back.

Please suggest how to take ssh even after enable CSI.
by techhitesh
2024-07-22 12:00
Forum: LuckFox Pico
Topic: Trying to run 4G hat with pppd pon
Replies: 1
Views: 988

Trying to run 4G hat with pppd pon

Hello Thank you for this awsome low-cost development board. I am trying to run 4G hat with PPPD support i was able to enable serial port using luckfox-config > ttyS4 > enable Then i used a chat script named it rnet #imis/internet is the apn for idea connection connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc...