i used this firmware https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... taYhUSg_NF
Pico Plus image it didot work then used pico mini B/plus same and some others but none of them worked
then used mobaxterm to install jailbreak 11 script .
Search found 2 matches
- 2024-08-01 5:42
- Forum: LuckFox Pico
- Topic: LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3717
- 2024-07-25 5:48
- Forum: LuckFox Pico
- Topic: LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3717
LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem
I have two luckfox pico RV1103G1 i am trying it for PS4 Jailbreak FW 11.0 I have flashed used firmware Pico without SD card (buildroot) followed every steps flashed and booted and installed everything except when i connect luckfox to ps4 the orange led on network port doesn't blink only the blue led...