Error in buildroot cannot find -lintl

  • Please refer to this solution.
  • Thank you for the quick answer! Now I can remove the lib to avoid error, but it would be nice to have it. I don't have experience with buildroot. is there a tutorial how to add new libraries - like libintl for example.
  • Configure buildroot to add new libraries: ... Buildroot/
  • The linked page ( ... Buildroot/) does not provide any valuable info to solve this problem.

    I am in the exact same situation:
    - I enable Midnight Commander in buildroot (target packages > text editors and viewers > mc) as well as gettext (development tools > gettext)
    - Build fails (Checking for function "ngettext" : NO / Library intl found: NO)
    - Then the build fails always, even if I deselect mc from buildroot config

    There is also this error: ERROR: Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled
    Could such a feature solve my problem ? if so, how to enable it ?