Buring buildroot\luckfox_pico_pro_max_image to SD card and the system does not bootup

  • Hello, with respect to the Luckfox Pico Pro and Max models, we supply SPI NAND Flash images as the preferred method for firmware storage. We advise against utilizing SD card image flashing methods and encourage you to adhere to the following instructions for burning your firmware onto the device through SPI NAND Flash:

    Detailed Tutorial: https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/L ... burn-image
  • Awesome, it works.
  • Where can I get some document guide about how to add custome camera?
  • For guidance on how to add a custom camera, you can refer to the official documentation.

    Download document:https://files.luckfox.com/wiki/Luckfox-Pico/PDF/doc.7z
    Related document paths:doc\en\ipc
  • GOt it. Thank you very much.