在板子上的推理结果如下(也是正确的): 对于我的模型,模拟推理结果如下:W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.6.0+81f21f4d
W load_onnx: If you don't need to crop the model, don't set 'inputs'/'input_size_list'/'outputs'!
W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 19, but your onnx model opset is 12!
--> Config model
--> Loading model
W load_onnx: Model converted from pytorch, 'opset_version' should be set 19 in torch.onnx.export for successful convert!
Loading : 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████| 178/178 [00:00<00:00, 231643.22it/s]
--> Building model
W build: found outlier value, this may affect quantization accuracy
const nameabs_mean abs_std outlier value
478 0.89 1.59 -15.073
550 0.61 0.68 11.299
577 0.64 0.65 -9.877
604 0.60 0.55 -9.970
GraphPreparing : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:00<00:00, 1383.19it/s]
Quantizating : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████| 100/100 [00:03<00:00, 27.35it/s]
W build: The default input dtype of 'input' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
W build: The default output dtype of 'output' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
--> Export rknn model
--> Init runtime environment
--> Running model
W init_runtime: Target is None, use simulator!
W inference: The 'data_format' is not set, and its default value is 'nhwc'!
GraphPreparing : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 102/102 [00:00<00:00, 2176.06it/s]
SessionPreparing : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| 102/102 [00:00<00:00, 568.67it/s]
--> PostProcess
-----TOP 5-----
[494] score=0.98 class="n03017168 chime, bell, gong"
[653] score=0.00 class="n03764736 milk can"
[505] score=0.00 class="n03063689 coffeepot"
[469] score=0.00 class="n02939185 caldron, cauldron"
[747] score=0.00 class="n04023962 punching bag, punch bag, punching ball, punchball"
在这里,我模拟推理了两张图片,结果都是正确的。类别预测也不一样。但是对于我的模型,放在板子上推理的时候,却出现了错误的结果:--> Config model
--> Loading model
--> Building model
W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.6.0+81f21f4d
W load_onnx: If you don't need to crop the model, don't set 'inputs'/'input_size_list'/'outputs'!
W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 19, but your onnx model opset is 17!
W load_onnx: Model converted from pytorch, 'opset_version' should be set 19 in torch.onnx.export for successful convert!
Loading : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 46/46 [00:00<00:00, 218502.81it/s]
W load_onnx: The config.mean_values is None, zeros will be set for input 0!
W load_onnx: The config.std_values is None, ones will be set for input 0!
W build: Can not find 'idx' to insert, default insert to 0!
GraphPreparing : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 41/41 [00:00<00:00, 1451.59it/s]
Quantizating 1/4: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 41/41 [00:02<00:00, 19.78it/s]
Quantizating 2/4: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 41/41 [00:01<00:00, 20.96it/s]
Quantizating 3/4: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 41/41 [00:01<00:00, 23.68it/s]
Quantizating 4/4: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 41/41 [00:01<00:00, 28.42it/s]
W build: The default input dtype of 'input' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
W build: The default output dtype of 'output' is changed from 'float32' to 'int8' in rknn model for performance!
Please take care of this change when deploy rknn model with Runtime API!
--> Export rknn model
>>> ../model/0.jpg
--> Init runtime environment
--> Running model
W init_runtime: Target is None, use simulator!
W inference: The 'data_format' is not set, and its default value is 'nhwc'!
GraphPreparing : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 43/43 [00:00<00:00, 1807.82it/s]
SessionPreparing : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 43/43 [00:00<00:00, 1179.42it/s]
-----TOP 2-----
[0] score=0.99 class="others"
[1] score=0.01 class="dog"
>>> ../model/1.jpg
--> Init runtime environment
W init_runtime: Target is None, use simulator!
W inference: The 'data_format' is not set, and its default value is 'nhwc'!
GraphPreparing : 0%| | 0/43 [00:00<?, ?it/s]done
--> Running model
GraphPreparing : 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 43/43 [00:00<00:00, 1231.53it/s]
SessionPreparing : 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████| 43/43 [00:00<00:00, 1292.83it/s]
-----TOP 2-----
[1] score=0.91 class="dog"
[0] score=0.09 class="others"
# /data/RKNN/rknn_deepsleepv2_demo /root/model.rknn /data/RKNN/samples/0.jpg
model input num: 1, output num: 1
input tensors:
index=0, name=input, n_dims=4, dims=[1, 400, 800, 3], n_elems=960000, size=960000, fmt=NHWC, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=-128, scale=1.000000
output tensors:
index=0, name=output, n_dims=2, dims=[1, 2, 0, 0], n_elems=2, size=2, fmt=UNDEFINED, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=-6, scale=0.029430
model is NHWC input fmt
model input height=400, width=800, channel=3
origin size=800x400 crop size=800x400
input image: 800 x 400, subsampling: 4:2:0, colorspace: YCbCr, orientation: 1
src width=800 height=400 fmt=0x1 virAddr=0x0xa5f4e000 fd=9
dst width=800 height=400 fmt=0x1 virAddr=0x(nil) fd=3
rga_api version 1.10.0_[2]
Class: 1, Score: 0.9994
Class: 0, Score: 0.0006
The prediction of 1 has been save into /tmp/output.
# /data/RKNN/rknn_deepsleepv2_demo /root/model.rknn /data/RKNN/samples/black.jpg
model input num: 1, output num: 1
input tensors:
index=0, name=input, n_dims=4, dims=[1, 400, 800, 3], n_elems=960000, size=960000, fmt=NHWC, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=-128, scale=1.000000
output tensors:
index=0, name=output, n_dims=2, dims=[1, 2, 0, 0], n_elems=2, size=2, fmt=UNDEFINED, type=INT8, qnt_type=AFFINE, zp=-6, scale=0.029430
model is NHWC input fmt
model input height=400, width=800, channel=3
origin size=800x800 crop size=800x800
input image: 800 x 800, subsampling: 4:2:0, colorspace: YCbCr, orientation: 1
src width=800 height=800 fmt=0x1 virAddr=0x0xa5e30000 fd=9
dst width=800 height=400 fmt=0x1 virAddr=0x(nil) fd=3
rga_api version 1.10.0_[2]
Class: 1, Score: 0.9994
Class: 0, Score: 0.0006
The prediction of 1 has been save into /tmp/output.
我甚至测试了两张全黑和全白的图片,但是结果都是一样的,预测为:Class: 1, Score: 0.9994;Class: 0, Score: 0.0006。
在做我的demo的模拟推理时,均值方差都是None。在真实推理时,输入图片默认是uint8,同mobilenet的输入的处理。此外没有做其他特殊的处理。但其实感觉可以排除是输入的问题,因为我测试了一百多张图像、好包括全0和全255的图像,真实推理的结果都是相同的。然而,模拟推理时正常的(使用的这里:https://github.com/airockchip/rknn_mode ... bilenet.py),又可以排除是rknn模型的问题。这个问题真的好费解啊。