aksyde wrote: ↑2024-05-29 9:41
I recently start with LuckFox Pico Mini A.
The camera stream from the buildroot image works well with HA (
https://www.home-assistant.io/) out of the box.
The team really did a great job !
I was wondering some clues/references/advices regarding advance usage of the camera:
1. How to properly set the date that appeared on the camera stream ? I succeed with linux command
but the date is automatically changed after some times
2. How to get detection events (colored squares on the camera stream) to further used them in a python program or a shell script ?
3. How to tune the detection within the luckfox pico, or even deactivate it ?
Thank U
Thank you for your support of our work. Below are the responses to your queries:
1 The time-related issue might be due to a time synchronization problem. You can modify the /oem/usr/share/rkipc-300w.ini file after entering the root filesystem and disable the time synchronization by setting enable to 0 under [network.ntp].
2 There are many ways to obtain detection events. A more scientific approach is to modify the rkisp source code. For example, occlusion detection is handled in rkipc_ivs_get_results in <SDK>/project/app/rkipc/rkipc/src/rv1106_ipc/video/video.c. You can try modifying this to interact with shell or Python. Based on your description, you might be referring to detecting a human presence and marking it with a bounding box, which falls under regional invasion detection. See point three for details.
3 If you need to disable the detection, similarly adjust the /oem/usr/share/rkipc-300w.ini file by setting enable to 0 under [event.regional_invasion]. The relevant source code can be found in <SDK>/project/app/rkipc/rkipc/common/rockiva/rockiva.c. Please modify it as needed.