7inch HDMI HD Touchscreen - double tap

  • Only the Bullseye system supports double-tap on the screen. Bookworm does not support double-tap, and there is currently no way to enable it.
  • Luckfox Taylor wrote: 2024-06-17 6:25 Only the Bullseye system supports double-tap on the screen. Bookworm does not support double-tap, and there is currently no way to enable it.
    The double-tap feature is supported only on the Bullseye system. Unfortunately, Bookworm does not support double-tap, and there is currently no way to enable this feature on Bookworm.
  • In the kernel updated on October 22, the double-click function was added to the Bookworm system. Please check:
    https://downloads.raspberrypi.com/raspi ... _notes.txt