Mount NFS failed with "Connection refused"

  • Hello, we have only tested mounting Luckfox Pico's NFS on a PC, but we haven't tested mounting an NFS service on the Luckfox Pico. Based on the logs you provided, it seems that the corresponding library is missing. Please start by addressing this issue.
  • Crocodile wrote: 2024-08-10 2:38 Hello, we have only tested mounting Luckfox Pico's NFS on a PC, but we haven't tested mounting an NFS service on the Luckfox Pico. Based on the logs you provided, it seems that the corresponding library is missing. Please start by addressing this issue.
    Do you mean Luckfox Pico as a NFS server?

    What I'm trying to do is Luckfox Pico as NFS client, I have a PC Linux server running NFS server, and I have another NAS running NFS server. I want to mount the PC Linux Server's folder to my Luckfox Pico so that I can store files on the server.

    Also I want to boot Luckfox from NFS, does the Luckfox u-boot support boot from NFS root? That would be very convience for development if we can do that.

    I don't see any missing library, and there is no error message imply that. I also checked the kernel configuration, the NFS is enabled from kernel.
  • Sorry for not reviewing your previous log information carefully. You indeed do not lack the corresponding libraries. I have just verified that using the Luckfox Pico as an NFS client is feasible. Make sure the NFS server has nfs-kernel-server installed and that the shared folder is set up correctly (e.g., by adding the line echo "<your nfs dir> *(rw,sync,root_squash,no_subtree_check)" >> /etc/exports).

    Implementing NFS in U-Boot has not been tested yet.