LuckFox_Pico_plus Using the self trained rknn model to generate errors

  • The message "Open ./model/coco_80_labels_list.txt fail! Please check if the file exists and whether it contains the category names you are trying to recognize.
  • Crocodile wrote: 2024-08-08 10:23 The message "Open ./model/coco_80_labels_list.txt fail! Please check if the file exists and whether it contains the category names you are trying to recognize.
    Yes, I added it/ model/coco_80_labels_list.txt, But now I am using my own trained model box_combinance<=thres_i8.
    log.rar (56.93 KiB)
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  • Based on your log, I cannot determine your issue. It seems that the debug print information is not displaying correctly due to data type issues. The Yolov5 model used for training is not fixed, and any problem in the process could lead to inference failure on the Luckfox Pico. The source code has been verified to successfully perform inference with the official model. If you are using a custom model and have correctly set OBJ_CLASS_NUM and coco_80_labels_list.txt, the issue is most likely related to the model training phase.