LuckFox Pico Heating Issues / No Blinking Red Light / Not Showing In Soc Toolkit

  • Hello, could you please try to provide the log information? If there is no output from the serial port, it's highly likely that the main controller RV1106 is damaged. You can contact the seller from whom you purchased the product to request after-sales service.
  • I have ordered this LuckFox Pico Pro Max From AliExpress And The Shipping took 30 days! I have contracted the seller but the seller said take this to any local mobile repair shop!

    But i think this is not possible to repair by any mobile shop's!

    Also The Seller Said! That The Product Will be fine after few minutes

    What the heck
  • This forum is only for technical discussions. I am not responsible for warranty and after-sales processes. From a technical perspective, repairing it may require replacing the main controller, RV1106. Excessive heat and lack of TTY output are not normal conditions.

    You can refer to for further information and to contact after-sales support.