I just got the ultra-w but I don't see anything in 'lsusb' (I'm on linux) unless I press 'boot' while powering it on. Then I see this:
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 2207:110c Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Company
... presumably that means the cable is OK.
Do I need to flash a new image or is there already something installed?
If I power up normally (ie without 'boot') and connect to ethernet, nmap shows:
$ nmap -p- -T4
Starting Nmap 7.95 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-08-30 16:22 AEST
Warning: giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (6).
Nmap scan report for rakmodule_74A569 (
Host is up (0.014s latency).
Not shown: 65287 closed tcp ports (conn-refused), 246 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
80/tcp open http
502/tcp open mbap
... what is the default user/password on the http port? Is there anything useful running there? This presumably means there's something running on the board.
How can I connect via ssh/USB to configure the wifi?
Ultra newbie here, please forgive.
Luckfox Pico Ultra
Hello, for your issue, I suggest first checking the Luckfox Pico Ultra Wiki at [https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/L ... uick-start](https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/L ... uick-start). The wiki provides a basic introduction related to your question. If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask.
Hi, please help me, and I connected black fox max to download ubuntu, but when entering the ip address it requires a password that I forgot. what should I do?
Please describe in detail the actions you performed and the corresponding commands. Based on your description, I cannot clearly understand the issue you're encountering.
I have already dealt with this problem. Now the question arises, is it possible to connect a 2 inch lcd module to the lucky fox Pico max. And if so, how?
If you have a different question from this topic, please start a new topic.
To drive the 2 inch LCD module You can refer to https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/Luckfox-Pico-LCD and https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/ ... port-List/, most of the configurations of Pico-LCD-2 and Pico-LCD-1.3 are common (the main differences are in the keys and resolution), if you are using a 2 inch LCD module other than Pico-LCD-2, you can refer to the pin definition for connection
To drive the 2 inch LCD module You can refer to https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/Luckfox-Pico-LCD and https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/ ... port-List/, most of the configurations of Pico-LCD-2 and Pico-LCD-1.3 are common (the main differences are in the keys and resolution), if you are using a 2 inch LCD module other than Pico-LCD-2, you can refer to the pin definition for connection