According Wiki image UART4_M1 should exist, it can be selected by luckfox-config tool but actually does not work.
https://wiki.luckfox.com/assets/images/ ... d42765.jpg
In dtsi provided on github, we can see why, UART4_M0 only is exist, but there is also UART0_M0.
https://github.com/LuckfoxTECH/luckfox- ... a-ipc.dtsi
&uart0 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart0m0_xfer &uart0m1_xfer>;
&uart1 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart1m1_xfer>;
&uart3 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart3m0_xfer &uart3m1_xfer>;
&uart4 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart4m0_xfer>;
&uart5 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart5m1_xfer>;
Which source is correct one ? Which pins are connected to UART0_M0 ?
Pico Ultra pinout mismatch in wiki and dts
Hello, the reason why you can't start UART4_M1 may be due to pin conflict, you can try to disable RGB to solve this problem.
About UART0_M0, because it is the default serial port.
About UART0_M0, because it is the default serial port.
I tried disable RGB for sure, but UART4_M0 works and UART4_M1 does not.
UART0_M0 does not presented on wiki image that the point, only UART0_M1 is available and it works as expected.
*Latest Ubuntu image from G disk was used.
UART0_M0 does not presented on wiki image that the point, only UART0_M1 is available and it works as expected.
*Latest Ubuntu image from G disk was used.
Regarding UART0M0 you can pinctrl in dtsi to give luckfox-config the option to reserve it, it may not be used all the time. uart4_m1 is indeed missing, just change the node for UART4 in dtsi to something like the following
&uart4 {
pinctrl-0 = <&uart4m0_xfer &uart4m1_xfer>;
Thank you!