Connection refused for Buildroot

  • Ok. The trick was to update the firmware after burning the image. I am a bit confused, but OK:)
  • I did this. As you can see - my IP was, and I can easily ping the device. Also, the same approach worked with the Ubuntu image. The only problem was with Buildroot. I think the problem was with the system flushed into the device's internal memory. Buildroot installation did not start from the SD card before I updated the system.
  • ZlodeiBaal wrote: 2024-01-28 14:39 Initially, I installed the Ubuntu image (Luckfox_Pico_Pro_Max_Ubuntu_SDCard ... Sq14HXL8ao ). But I could not run RKNN inference on it.
    The program for "RKNN Model Inference Testing" needs to be cross-compiled and run on a system built with Buildroot; it is not suitable for Ubuntu systems. We recommend using an image built with Buildroot for optimal compatibility.