I need to output short pulses with a timer clock frequency of 100 MHz.
Is it possible to use a GPIO pin for an external clock input for one of the hardware timers?
Is there a datasheet describing the control registers (and general info) of the timers?
Hardware timer control using Luckfox Pico (RV1106)
Hello, if you need to check the register information, you can refer to the register manual mentioned at viewtopic.php?p=3482&hilit=TRM#p3482. The RV1106 is an IPC chip, and most of its hardware interfaces only support basic functions. I'm not sure if it has the capability to output a 100M pulse.
Thanks Crocodile,
That's what I needed. The max timer clock frequency seems to be 24 MHz so I need to have e.g. a STM slave.
That's what I needed. The max timer clock frequency seems to be 24 MHz so I need to have e.g. a STM slave.