Can you provide an example of instructions how to configure Visual studio code with the operation of the board "buildroo

  • The only way to program debug is ... structions. Is there a way to do this using "Visual Studio Code"
  • You can indeed install "Visual Studio Code" within a virtual machine to edit your programs and carry out cross-compilation processes. After successfully cross-compiling the application, the produced files should be transferred to the development board for running by utilizing SSH protocol.
  • I am using Buildroot 2023.02.6.
    I'm trying to connect from Visual Studio Code to the board via SSH and I'm getting an error. The SSH server is running.
    Everything worked with Linux though.
    I need to connect to Buildroot.
    Can you provide me with instructions for configuring SSH with Visual Studio Code for "Buildroot". I will be very grateful.
  • The "bash not found" error indicates that Bash is not installed on the remote server Bash is a common command-line shell on Linux and Unix systems, and is required for the Remote - SSH extension in Visual Studio Code to work.
  • Yurii wrote: 2024-01-24 11:45 I am using Buildroot 2023.02.6.
    I'm trying to connect from Visual Studio Code to the board via SSH and I'm getting an error. The SSH server is running.
    Everything worked with Linux though.
    I need to connect to Buildroot.
    Can you provide me with instructions for configuring SSH with Visual Studio Code for "Buildroot". I will be very grateful.
    When connecting remotely using VS Code, it attempts to run certain binary files on the remote host that depend on specific versions of glibc and libstdc++. However, Rockchip has no current plans to support glibc on RV1106. Consequently, it's not feasible to establish a remote connection for development purposes between VS Code and the development board at this time.
  • Hello.
    Can you provide instructions on how to add a compiler to visual studio. How to configure ssh in Visual studio cod to simply quickly transfer the compiled program to the board.
    Thanks for the answer
  • Hello,

    When using Visual Studio Code to perform cross-compilation of programs, it is essential to add the necessary cross-compilation tools, which may require you to manually modify VSCode's configuration files. It is suggested that you use VSCode for code editing while referring to the methods provided on the official website for cross-compiling individual programs or projects.
  • can you write instructions how to debug programs from visual studio to docker
  • Please give detailed instructions on how to debug the program. I understand it is impossible to connect a debugger to the board.