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Re: How to disable Samba in build ?

Posted: 2024-04-22 11:53
by Crocodile
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the imperfect design of the SDK. We have made corresponding optimizations in the upcoming SDK release to simplify the Buildroot setup process. Once the validation is complete, we plan to release it shortly.

I replicated the steps you provided based on the instructions you gave and found that you missed one step, which is the "clean" operation in Buildroot. After deleting the <luckfox-pico path>/sysdrv/source/buildroot/buildroot-2023.02.6/output, you simply need to return to the root directory of the SDK and execute

Code: Select all

cd ../../../../ #to Sdk path
./ clean rootfs
./ rootfs
./ firmware
to obtain an image without Samba.

Thank you very much for your exploration and feedback on Luckfox-pico. We will continue to strive to make its SDK even more perfect.