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[Luck fox Pico Mini]UART3 is n

Posted: 2024-08-23 22:13
by alan12
I use luck fox Pico Mini A and Ubuntu22.04.
I want to use UART3, but UART3 doesnt appear when I use luckfox-config command.
How to solve it?
スクリーンショット 2024-08-24 070431.png

Re: [Luck fox Pico Mini]UART3 is n

Posted: 2024-08-24 2:09
by Crocodile
The latest SDK has already resolved this issue. You can choose to recompile the image using the latest SDK, or directly replace /usr/bin/luckfox-config and add executable permissions.
luckfox-config.7z (12.09 KiB)
Downloaded 96 times