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Getting 1080 output from Pico Ultra

Posted: 2024-09-11 23:28
by wef
I've got 1920x1080 output working from the Pico Ultra using the buildroot image by changing these settings in /oem/usr/share/rkipc-300w.ini:

buffer_size = 1036800 ; w * h / 2
max_width = 1920
max_height = 1080
width = 1920
height = 1080

I'm just wondering if there's something else I might need to adjust or if there's a better way to do it.

Re: Getting 1080 output from Pico Ultra

Posted: 2024-09-12 1:43
by Crocodile
Hello, if you only modify the resolution, you don't need to make other modifications, the configuration of the rkipc application only depends on the .ini file, and other configuration methods need to modify the source code

Re: Getting 1080 output from Pico Ultra

Posted: 2024-09-12 3:08
by wef

Thanks again - it's working nicely at 1080 over the wifi (10m to the AP). It struggled at the full resolution 2304x1296

