Hi the best support team!
After start rv1103/06 board automatically started demo application to stream object detection result from camera. How to disable this feature on building firmaware stage? Thanks!
After executing ./build.sh, modify <luckfox SDK>/output/out/app_out/bin/RkLunch.sh and comment out the following content. Then, execute ./build.sh firmware again to package the new firmware image for flashing.
After executing ./build.sh, modify <luckfox SDK>/output/out/app_out/bin/RkLunch.sh and comment out the following content. Then, execute ./build.sh firmware again to package the new firmware image for flashing.
Code: Select all
#if [ -d "/oem/usr/share/iqfiles" ];then
# rkipc -a /oem/usr/share/iqfiles &
# rkipc &