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why Luckfox Pico Ultra w Ethernet gets new MAC address and IP whenever I restart

Posted: 2024-11-14 13:53
by kumarnaveen
why Luckfox Pico Ultra w Ethernet gets new MAC address and IP whenever I restart.

How to fix this?


Re: why Luckfox Pico Ultra w Ethernet gets new MAC address and IP whenever I restart

Posted: 2024-11-15 1:58
by Crocodile
Hello, if you are using a Buildroot system, the MAC address is set by the network_init() function when the S20appinit script executes This script ensures that the system's MAC address remains unchanged. If you are using another system, such as Ubuntu, you can add a startup script to ensure that the MAC address and IP address do not change.

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether <Your MAC addr>
ifconfig eth0 up

Re: why Luckfox Pico Ultra w Ethernet gets new MAC address and IP whenever I restart

Posted: 2024-11-15 8:54
by kumarnaveen
Does Luckfox Pico Ultra W does not have a Mac? I mean IEEE assigned MAC.
Is it OK if I use some random numbers. Will it create any problem in network.

Re: why Luckfox Pico Ultra w Ethernet gets new MAC address and IP whenever I restart

Posted: 2024-11-15 12:44
by Crocodile
MAC address should be unique in theory, but the built-in MAC of RV1106 does not have a fixed MAC address, so it will automatically obtain a segment and save it after booting. If there are two devices with the same MAC address in the network environment, it may cause network packet forwarding errors, but the probability of this is very low. You only need to ensure that no devices with the same MAC address appear in the devices connected to the same gateway.