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Filesystem type / partition table

Posted: 2024-11-18 11:02
by nagu

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Device does not contain a recognized partition table.
What is the filesystem type on the SD card? I'm having trouble accessing the SD card filesystem from other devices, or resizing partitions with fdisk/gparted. I need to add a fat32 partition. Ubuntu, Pico Mini.

Re: Filesystem type / partition table

Posted: 2024-11-20 1:23
by Crocodile
Hello, the file system type on SD card is ext4. The partition on Luckfox-pico is different from the common software partition used by other embedded devices. Instead, use dd command to write each image to the specified address, and write the location and size of each image to env.img.
So if you need to add a new partition, you need to divide it when building the mirror. <Luckfox Pico SDK> Add the partition size and name you need in RK_PARTITION_CMD_IN_ENV of/., and add the partition type in RK_PARTITION_FS_TYPE_CFG.