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Hardware timer control using Luckfox Pico (RV1106)

Posted: 2024-11-23 8:09
by kajwiik

I need to output short pulses with a timer clock frequency of 100 MHz.

Is it possible to use a GPIO pin for an external clock input for one of the hardware timers?

Is there a datasheet describing the control registers (and general info) of the timers?


Re: Hardware timer control using Luckfox Pico (RV1106)

Posted: 2024-11-25 1:25
by Crocodile
Hello, if you need to check the register information, you can refer to the register manual mentioned at viewtopic.php?p=3482&hilit=TRM#p3482. The RV1106 is an IPC chip, and most of its hardware interfaces only support basic functions. I'm not sure if it has the capability to output a 100M pulse.

Re: Hardware timer control using Luckfox Pico (RV1106)

Posted: 2024-11-25 20:52
by kajwiik
Thanks Crocodile,
That's what I needed. The max timer clock frequency seems to be 24 MHz so I need to have e.g. a STM slave.
