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During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-04-16 6:03
How can i run my code in Luckfox Pico Pro Max,when the power is on, no requirement of any command or bashing?

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-04-16 6:14
by Eng38

To enable Luckfox Pico Pro Max to automatically run the program when it is turned on, you need to write a script to run the program and configure the script to be automatically executed when it is turned on. Reference tutorial: ... rst-script

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-04-16 6:55
thank you sir for your reply
But sequence is like this,
killall rkipc
cd luckfox_demo
chmod a+x luckfox_cam_view_lcd
./luckfox_cam_view_lcd ./image.jpg

how to apply this command sequence

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-04-16 7:31
by Eng38

Detailed steps have been provided in the wiki, follow the steps to operate the interface. However, it should be noted that there is no need to use cd to enter a directory in the script. You can directly use the absolute path of the file. The script is roughly as follows, please make sure the file path is correct:

Code: Select all


case $1 in
                killall rkipc
		chmod a+x /root/luckfox_demo/luckyfox_cam_view_lcd
		/root/luckfox_demo/luckfox_cam_view_lcd /root/luckfox_demo/image.jpg
                echo "stop"
                exit 1

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-04-16 7:34
Thank you sir, i will try these and let you know

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-06-03 12:35
during power on, the rockchip should run this
# cd luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo
# chmod a+x luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_test
# ./luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_test ./model/RetinaFace.rknn ./model/mob
ilefacenet.rknn /mnt/sdcard

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-06-14 8:52
Sir lease reply to my previous post

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-06-14 12:21
by Crocodile wrote: 2024-06-14 8:52 Sir lease reply to my previous post
Hello, for in-depth secondary development, please explore on your own. We have already provided a detailed solution, please refer to it for implementation.

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-06-14 12:24
sir if could share some proper link so that no problem is encounterd or the detailed steps to execute the link given previously was confusing like how to name it or store please help

Re: During Power On , the rockchip should run my code

Posted: 2024-06-15 3:02
by Eng38
Hello, the tutorial ( ... rst-script) describes in detail how to write a script and implement automatic startup. You may need to study on your own how to write a script that meets your requirements.