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Alpine Linux on Luckfox Pico

Posted: 2024-05-05 8:34
by soyflourbread
Just wanna share my experiments on automating Alpine Linux build on Github Actions:

Currently it has ssh server preinstalled and RNDIS enabled.

Basic Linux functions work, but it only supports writing to SPI Flash for now.

Re: Alpine Linux on Luckfox Pico

Posted: 2024-05-06 0:48
by Eng38
Thank you very much for sharing! We believe this will help many people!

Re: Alpine Linux on Luckfox Pico

Posted: 2024-05-29 9:23
by aksyde
Hi, thank U for this sharing.

Do you know if such process is easily transposable to other Linux Distribution such as
>> Tiny Core Linux,
that load in RAM and rely on squashfs tools
