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Ram is less than half of what's advertised

Posted: 2024-01-27 16:24
by npelov

I've got Pico Pro (with the RV1106G2 chip). Why do I have only 55 MB of ram? What is the rest of the ram used for? Can I control how much ram is available?

Code: Select all

# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:             55          15          25           0          15          35
Swap:            15           4          11

Re: Ram is less than half of what's advertised

Posted: 2024-01-27 19:02
by npelov
I found it - correct me if I'm wrong. in the sdk root:

# Config CMA size in environment

I guess that's memory reserved for the media - camera, etc. Can I set it to 0 if I don't use camera?

Re: Ram is less than half of what's advertised

Posted: 2024-01-28 5:05
by Eng38

You can modify RK_BOOTARGS_CMA_SIZE to a minimum value of 1 in order to free up more memory space.