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Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-18 17:14
by Spock

I noticed that in latest image (11-07-2024) (Luckfox_Pico_Ultra_W_eMMC.7z) camera streaming doesn't work - it crashes.
When I build custom image I noticed that the same happends - camera app doesn't start at boot and run it manually the same happens.
Camera only works when board is flashed with 2024-06-05 image.

Here is result on

Code: Select all

root@luckfox root]# rkipc -l2
[rkipc.c][main]:rkipc_ini_path_ is (null), rkipc_iq_file_path_ is (null), rkipc_log_level is 2
[param.c][rk_param_init]:g_ini_path_ is /userdata/rkipc.ini
[network.c][ntp_client_thread]:refresh_time_s is 60, ntp_server is
[network.c][rk_net_proc]:Creat rk_net_proc thread!
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:ROCKIVA_Init over
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:(0,0), (9943,0), (9943,11666), (0,11666)
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:ROCKIVA_BA_Init success
create rknn_list success
[isp.c][rk_isp_init]:g_iq_file_dir_ is /etc/iqfiles
[isp.c][rk_isp_init]:cam_id is 0, hdr_mode is close, scenario is normal
rkaiq log level ff0
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:ID: 0, sensor_name is ؚ୦\!, iqfiles is /etc/iqfiles
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:main_scene is normal, sub_scene is day
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:17:09:37.234783: rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_preInit_scene begin
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:17:09:37.235016: rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_preInit_scene over
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@luckfox root]#
How can I have camera working on custom/newest image ?

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-19 1:37
by Crocodile
In the latest image, to ensure that luckfox-config works properly, the pinctrl configuration also activates other I2C4 pins, which can cause abnormal I2C communication with the camera. It is necessary to configure the activation in luckfox-config. Although this detail is mentioned in the luckfox-config section, the reminder might not be clear enough. We will adjust the relevant instructions to address this issue in the future.

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-19 12:36
by Spock
Thanks for an answer.
What exactly has to be done ? Can you provide link to docs or tell what exactly should be disabled/enabled via luckfox-config tool?

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-20 2:15
by Crocodile
Spock wrote: 2024-07-19 12:36 Thanks for an answer.
What exactly has to be done ? Can you provide link to docs or tell what exactly should be disabled/enabled via luckfox-config tool?

1 Use luckfox-config to open the menuconfig interface.
2 Navigate to Advanced Options -> CSI.
3 Select enable.
4 Restart luckfox-pico.

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-23 11:25
by techhitesh
After doing so my internet connection does not work unable to take SSH using usb0 and eth0 eth0 shows ip but unable to take ssh from it.

Had to disable using UART to over SSH putty then only the board network came back.

Please suggest how to take ssh even after enable CSI.

Re: Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump

Posted: 2024-07-23 12:38
by Crocodile
techhitesh wrote: 2024-07-23 11:25 After doing so my internet connection does not work unable to take SSH using usb0 and eth0 eth0 shows ip but unable to take ssh from it.

Had to disable using UART to over SSH putty then only the board network came back.

Please suggest how to take ssh even after enable CSI.
Hello, after testing, enabling CSI does not affect the ADB and SSH connections of USB0 and ETH0. Please check the Ethernet settings. It is recommended to create a new thread describing the problem and attach the corresponding logs or screenshots to help us troubleshoot the issue.