Pico Ultra W rkipc core dump
Posted: 2024-07-18 17:14
I noticed that in latest image (11-07-2024) (Luckfox_Pico_Ultra_W_eMMC.7z) camera streaming doesn't work - it crashes.
When I build custom image I noticed that the same happends - camera app doesn't start at boot and run it manually the same happens.
Camera only works when board is flashed with 2024-06-05 image.
Here is result on
How can I have camera working on custom/newest image ?
I noticed that in latest image (11-07-2024) (Luckfox_Pico_Ultra_W_eMMC.7z) camera streaming doesn't work - it crashes.
When I build custom image I noticed that the same happends - camera app doesn't start at boot and run it manually the same happens.
Camera only works when board is flashed with 2024-06-05 image.
Here is result on
Code: Select all
root@luckfox root]# rkipc -l2
[rkipc.c][main]:rkipc_ini_path_ is (null), rkipc_iq_file_path_ is (null), rkipc_log_level is 2
[param.c][rk_param_init]:g_ini_path_ is /userdata/rkipc.ini
[network.c][ntp_client_thread]:refresh_time_s is 60, ntp_server is
[network.c][rk_net_proc]:Creat rk_net_proc thread!
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:ROCKIVA_Init over
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:(0,0), (9943,0), (9943,11666), (0,11666)
[rockiva.c][rkipc_rockiva_init]:ROCKIVA_BA_Init success
create rknn_list success
[isp.c][rk_isp_init]:g_iq_file_dir_ is /etc/iqfiles
[isp.c][rk_isp_init]:cam_id is 0, hdr_mode is close, scenario is normal
rkaiq log level ff0
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:ID: 0, sensor_name is ؚ୦\!, iqfiles is /etc/iqfiles
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:main_scene is normal, sub_scene is day
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:17:09:37.234783: rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_preInit_scene begin
[isp.c][sample_common_isp_init]:17:09:37.235016: rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_preInit_scene over
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[root@luckfox root]#