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LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem

Posted: 2024-07-25 5:48
by MacAmb
I have two luckfox pico RV1103G1 i am trying it for PS4 Jailbreak FW 11.0 I have flashed used firmware Pico without SD card (buildroot) followed every steps flashed and booted and installed everything except when i connect luckfox to ps4 the orange led on network port doesn't blink only the blue led stays solid and nothing happens tried everything thing but nothing working .on PS4 when the ps4 powered on and the luckfox should boot and but nothing happens. not sure if i flashed the wrong firmware or what should i do to get the network port work ?
Any tips thanks

Re: LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem

Posted: 2024-07-30 5:26
by yloooo
Make sure you determine the model you are using. If it is rv1103, follow this tutorial to flash the official firmware, and then manually import the 11.0 jailbreak script. I guess you followed the tutorials on the internet, directly downloaded the image made by others and burned it in. Many tutorials and images on the internet are based on RV1106. ... urn-image/

Re: LuckFox Pico RV1103G1 Network port PS4 Jailbreak Problem

Posted: 2024-08-01 5:42
by MacAmb
i used this firmware ... taYhUSg_NF
Pico Plus image it didot work then used pico mini B/plus same and some others but none of them worked

then used mobaxterm to install jailbreak 11 script .