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luckfox pico ultra, LCD connector's (40pin ffc connector) pin assign

Posted: 2024-08-07 13:13
by future0
i am testing luckfox pico ultra board with LF40-720720-ARK LCD+touch.
i cannot find LCD connector's pin assign. (LCD + touch i2c3m2)
i need pin assign table (p1 ~ p40)

Re: luckfox pico ultra, LCD connector's (40pin ffc connector) pin assign

Posted: 2024-08-08 0:48
by future0

Re: luckfox pico ultra, LCD connector's (40pin ffc connector) pin assign

Posted: 2024-10-04 2:34
by mashish88
Do you have schematic of the this small HOST- LCD conversion board? Or can someone share 40 Pin Pinout of the 720x720 Display?