Rknn model zoo fails during conversion with core dump message

  • Hello, it seems that the input parameters for your command are incorrect and lack the quantization option. Here is the command I executed in the same directory based on the official documentation for your reference.

    Code: Select all

    python convert.py ../model/yolov5s_relu.onnx rv1106 i8 ../model/yolov5s_relu.rknn
  • Thanks for the response.
    The problem was that the ubuntu VM i was using was missing the AVX cpu command and most/all of AI software these days requires it (tensorflow , pytorch etc)
    Enabling the command resolved it.
    I think there should be a mention of it on the wiki, as during my searches i found a lot of people with the same problem
  • Thank you for your feedback. We will update the WIKI after verification.