The command "killall rkipc" should be run before executing the demo, and it only needs to be executed once after the Luckfox device boots wrote: ↑2024-03-26 7:58 Sir,
I have followed your previous steps with required modifications to Cmakelists
Please suggest
1.When to execute -killall rkipc(before compling the demo or after compling) or at the start?
2.while compling we should use "luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_for_promax" instead here "./luckfox_retinaface_facenet_demo_test ./model/RetinaFace.rknn ./model/mobilefacenet.rknn ./test.jpg"
"luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_for_promax ./model/RetinaFace.rknn ./model/mobilefacenet.rknn ./test.jpg
The method of running the demo mentioned in the is just using one of the demos (framebuffer mode) as an example. In reality, the command you should execute on the Luckfox-Pico is:
Code: Select all
cd luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_for_promax #(Alternatively, you can use the luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo that you compiled yourself.)
./luckfox_retinaface_facenet_spi_demo_test ./model/RetinaFace.rknn ./model/mobilefacenet.rknn ./test.jpg