Thank you Ryand,
I'm using buildroot:
Code: Select all
[root@luckfox ]# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Buildroot 2023.02.6"
I'm not sure how to check for pin conflicts, but PWM pins are disabled:
Code: Select all
[root@luckfox ]# luckfox-config show
/usr/bin/luckfox-config: line 46: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input
+ -USB- +
- - VBUS | | 1V8 - -
- - GND | | GND - -
- - 3V3 | | GPIO4_C1 - SARADC_M1 -
- FIQtty_TX - GPIO1_B2 | | GPIO4_C0 - SARADC_M0 -
- FIQtty_RX - GPIO1_B3 | | GPIO0_A4 - - PWM1_M0
PWM2_M2 - SPI0_M0_CS0 - GPIO1_C0 | | GPIO1_C7 - - PWM11_M1
PWM4_M2 - SPI0_M0_CLK - GPIO1_C1 | | GPIO1_C6 - - PWM10_M1
PWM5_M2 - SPI0_M0_MOSI - GPIO1_C2 | | GPIO1_D3 - - PWM11_M2
PWM6_M2 - SPI0_M0_MISO - GPIO1_C3 | | GPIO1_D2 - - PWM0_M1
PWM8_M1 - UART4_M1_RX - GPIO1_C4 | | GPIO1_D1 - UART3_M1_RX - PWM10_M2
PWM9_M1 - UART4_M1_TX - GPIO1_C5 | | GPIO1_D0 - UART3_M1_TX - PWM3_M2
+ - + - +
Forgot to mention that right after entering I2C menu I get this message: "No I2C Pins".