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udhcpc hostname option "-x"

Posted: 2025-01-19 22:30
by thakur
I'm trying get udhcpc to set the hostname (looking to run "udhcpc -i eth0 -x hostname:name").

I can't seem to figure out how udhcpc is invoked. Searched /etc/init.d but no script seems to invoke it. In the process tree the parent process is just init.

Does anyone know if this is something in the busybox or buildroot config to make it set the hostname?

Re: udhcpc hostname option "-x"

Posted: 2025-01-20 3:50
by Ryand
Hello, if you use the Buildroot system, execute /oem/usr/bin/ in/etc/init.d/S21appinit, and call network_init() in to configure udhcpc.

Re: udhcpc hostname option "-x"

Posted: 2025-01-20 5:25
by thakur
Ryand wrote: 2025-01-20 3:50 Hello, if you use the Buildroot system, execute /oem/usr/bin/ in/etc/init.d/S21appinit, and call network_init() in to configure udhcpc.
There it is! I don't know how I missed that. Thank you!