I have been working through the tutorial on setting the timezone & hardware clock here:
It seems like I can get it to work temporarily by setting the last line in /etc/profile to "export TZ=EST5", but then it seems to revert to a time that I assume is China Standard Time.
Is there another step here to making the timezone information persistent?
Setting the correct timezone on LuckFox Pico Max Pro
Hello, try adding the following configuration:
Code: Select all
vi /etc/profile
export TZ=UTC-5
I have tried that. When I set it to that in profile I get:
- Wed Feb 28 07:28:21 UTC 2024
- Tues Feb 28 13:28
There are no other places to configure the time zone. After testing, it was found that the time did not change. If your system time changes, you can try the following steps:
Synchronize the system time to the hardware clock (hwclock).
Code: Select all
hwclock --systohc
Code: Select all
hwclock -u -s
https://wiki.luckfox.com/Luckfox-Pico/L ... -autostart
Great, thanks! I'll try that!