Yolov5 convert to RKNN
Posted: 2024-03-20 19:41
I trained the yolov5s.pt model with two classes and tested it.
Then converted yolov5s.pt to yolov5s.onnx "python export.py --rknpu --weight yolov5s.pt".
I then converted yolov5s.onnx using the convert.py script "rknn_model_zoo\examples\yolov5\python" to yolov5.rknn. But when running the model on RV1106 I get an error for some reason.
When configuring the standard yolov5s.pt model, everything works fine.
Maybe it's because of the change in the number of classes?
Then converted yolov5s.pt to yolov5s.onnx "python export.py --rknpu --weight yolov5s.pt".
I then converted yolov5s.onnx using the convert.py script "rknn_model_zoo\examples\yolov5\python" to yolov5.rknn. But when running the model on RV1106 I get an error for some reason.
When configuring the standard yolov5s.pt model, everything works fine.
Maybe it's because of the change in the number of classes?