Rknn model zoo fails during conversion with core dump message
Posted: 2024-08-15 13:50
I am following the instructions to get a custom yolov5 converted to rknn for use with a Luckfox Pico max.
All the versions are according to spec and when i try to convert any yolov5, including the default coco one, i am getting illegal isntrction/core dump errors.
See messages bellow
(rockchip-rknn) stelios@Dev-VirtualBox:~/projects/luckfox/rknn_model_zoo/examples/yolov5/python$ python convert.py yolov5s.onnx rv1106
W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.6.0+81f21f4d
--> Config model
--> Loading model
W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 19, but your onnx model opset is 12!
W load_onnx: Model converted from pytorch, 'opset_version' should be set 19 in torch.onnx.export for successful convert!
Loading : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 135/135 [00:00<00:00, 5606.30it/s]
--> Building model
W build: found outlier value, this may affect quantization accuracy
const name abs_mean abs_std outlier value
onnx::Conv_371 0.83 1.39 14.282
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
Any idea what the problem is ?
I am following the instructions to get a custom yolov5 converted to rknn for use with a Luckfox Pico max.
All the versions are according to spec and when i try to convert any yolov5, including the default coco one, i am getting illegal isntrction/core dump errors.
See messages bellow
(rockchip-rknn) stelios@Dev-VirtualBox:~/projects/luckfox/rknn_model_zoo/examples/yolov5/python$ python convert.py yolov5s.onnx rv1106
W __init__: rknn-toolkit2 version: 1.6.0+81f21f4d
--> Config model
--> Loading model
W load_onnx: It is recommended onnx opset 19, but your onnx model opset is 12!
W load_onnx: Model converted from pytorch, 'opset_version' should be set 19 in torch.onnx.export for successful convert!
Loading : 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████| 135/135 [00:00<00:00, 5606.30it/s]
--> Building model
W build: found outlier value, this may affect quantization accuracy
const name abs_mean abs_std outlier value
onnx::Conv_371 0.83 1.39 14.282
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
Any idea what the problem is ?