Menuconfig not building savedconfig

  • This "Error: max_leb_cnt too low (936 needed)" error seems pretty consistent and when I go back and deselect packages the "mex_leb_cnt" just gets higher.
  • torchris4 wrote: 2024-02-12 15:26 I am following the Buildroot Configuration procedure ( ... -Buildroot) and after I have done the menu config and then run:

    Code: Select all

    make savedconfig
    I am getting:

    Code: Select all

    make: *** No rule to make target 'savedconfig'.  Stop.
    I don't think I am doing anything wrong. Is this error normal?

    Then when I go to recompile the image, I get:

    Code: Select all

    start build fakeroot image
            root:         /root/sdk/luckfox-pico/output/out/rootfs_uclibc_rv1106/
            min_io_size:  2048
            leb_size:     126976
            max_leb_cnt:  660
            output:       /root/sdk/luckfox-pico/output/image/.ubi_cfg/rootfs_2KB_128KB_80MB.ubifs
            jrn_size:     8388608
            reserved:     0
            compr:        lzo
            keyhash:      r5
            fanout:       8
            orph_lebs:    1
            space_fixup:  1
    Error: max_leb_cnt too low (666 needed)
    [] Running main failed!
    [] exit code 255 from line 341:
    [] Running build_mkimg failed!
    [] exit code 255 from line 1742:
    []     $RK_PROJECT_TOOLS_MKFS_UBIFS $src $(dirname $dst) $part_size $part_name $fs_type $RK_UBIFS_COMP
    You entered the command incorrectly. Please carefully follow the instructions in the tutorial when entering commands.

    Code: Select all

    make savedefconfig 
  • Thanks!